You host a small party in your house or dinner with your friends. We all have that friend who gets drunk quick and becomes messy. One friend of yours drops his/her wine glass accidentally on your expensive carpet. Well, you know very well it will be tricky to remove the stain. You will need to know how to get red wine out of a carpet and be able to get rid of the red stain.
After such incident, you should get a towel cloth, press it down but not very hard. It will help soak up the surface liquid.
How To Get Red Wine Out Of A Carpet
Sprinkle salt on the stain and then pour some vinegar around the stain, such that the salt gets wet, then wait and don’t interfere with it within 20 minutes. You will notice some changes, the salt might turn sludgy, and vinegar starts to soak.
After 20 minutes you will notice the salt and vinegar are reddish, scrape them off. Soak up the remaining moisture. Pour some lukewarm water on the area then after some few minutes clean it with a dry towel.
That’s one way you can get red wine out of your carpet. If that does not work you can try this:
- Suck up as much using a dry towel wine as possible from the carpet.
- Pour some little water on the carpet and blot it to make the water dilute the wine.
- Make a ratio of 3-1 baking soda-water mixture. Apply the mixture on the carpet stain directly, then wait for 10 minutes until it dries completely.
- Use your vacuum carefully to dry the paste.
After you are done, some stain remains visible, apply the carpet stain remover according to instructions with it. Wait until it dries up and vacuum it.
You should also know how to get red wine out of your carpet when you notice the spill a day later. You will need to saturate it with hot water then apply a pre-treatment, and oxi product and leave it for up to 10 hours.
If that does not help then you might need to buy one of the carpet cleaners we recommend.